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BlissFlora - Mood Modulating Psychobiotic

South Africa's First Psychobiotic

BlissFlora is a novel Psychobiotic. Referring to a new class of probiotics, revolutionizing the way we think about mental wellness. The term “psychobiotics” (“psyche” = mind + “biotic” = probiotic) refers to a novel class of probiotics that affect mood and cognitive function. Furthermore, psychobiotics balance your gut-brain axis (GBA) to promote stable moods, reduced stress and improved health.

Watch the Real Health Show - What are psychobiotics

Or read our Blog Post on Psychobiotics

Psychobiotics - The modern day anti-depressant, a natural and safe alternative to modulate your mood.

What our clients have to say

Ruth E

I am 66 years old and have been feeling bloated and listless. I discovered Blissflora on a TV show and thought I would try them. It sounds unreal, but within 48 hours I was feeling fabulous! The bloating has gone, I wake up feeling fresh and ready for the day and seem to have more energy as well

Aaron V

I’ve suffered inexplicably from treatment-resistant major depression for 15 years. The worst feature of this disorder is the profound dysphoria and anhedonia that seemingly progresses in its intensity, year after year.

The mix of extremely low moods and the inability to feel joy in any context, multiplied the feelings of hopelessness that I had fought against for so long during my nearly life-long battle with this disorder.

Years ago now, I had came across ‘BenedBioMed’ and their work with isolating and testing various probiotic bacteria for psychobiotic properties. This led me to their flagship strain(s), “PS128” and “PS23.” Researching further, I felt that a probiotic extract (PS23) would be more sutiable for my unique physiolgoical circumstances.

It was by pure chance that I one day found the “PS23” for sale on a website for a company based in South Africa. Due to already being aware of the science on “PS23”, I ordered “PS23” immediately.

My first order was over a year ago now. As soon as BlissFlora entered my life, I noticed changes to my anhedonia and dysphoria in a few weeks time of taking the psychobiotic extract.

The greatest catalyst for my transformation with treatment-resistant major depression to date, after 15 years, was the BlissFlora. Most “conventional” treatments for depression involve pharmaceuticals, radical diet changes/experimentation, exercise and intensive behavioral therapy.

Thank you NeoGenesis Health for bringing this novel treatment for depression to the commercial market. P.S. –

As a United States citizen, I’m so grateful that NeoGen offers international shipping to U.S. residents, without the existence of this shipping option, I would likely still be stuck in the grips of the black hole I was stuck in just a year ago. 

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